Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Great Inspirational Opprtunity for Children's Picture Book People

From the awesome Sharon Levin who does sooo many good thngs

Hey all!

Yes, it's getting to be that time of year again.  Please do help me spread the word.  It's going to be my last year affiliated with the festival (10 years is a good run, but my 'baby' will be in 10th grade next year, the eldest will be in college and it's time for me to move on), so I'm hoping for a HUGE turnout.

Thanks gang!!!!


WHEN:  Saturday, February 4th, 2012, 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

WHERE:  Orion Elementary School, 815 Allerton Street, Redwood City

WHY:    A unique and FREE opportunity to hear presentations by a wide range of children's authors and illustrators.  The lineup includes Jennifer Holm, 3 time Newbery Honor Winner as well as the author of the best selling Babymouse series.  Also presenting,  Elisa Kleven, Bruce Hale, Deborah Underwood, Teri Sloat, Thacher Hurd (not just a wonderful author/illustrator in his own right, but the son of Clement Hurd - illustrator of Goodnight, Moon), Shirin Bridges and our own amazingly talented Orion Parent - Elizabeth Gomez.

We have been doing this Festival for ten years.  It was started by a parent and the school librarian.  The main purpose was to have children meet the people who create the books that they love. We wanted to help break down the barriers between reader and author.   The festival has been and will always be free - we never want cost to be an issue for those who want to meet these amazing people.

Each classroom adopts an author or illustrator and studies her/his work in depth.  They then create beautiful banners based on their person's art.  Every child in grade 2 and above may serve as a docent to the author(s) of their choice.  It truly is a school wide event and Orion's gift to the greater Bay Area community.

Thank you for your time.

More information on the Festival lineup below:
Elisa Kleven
Thacher Hurd
Deborah Underwood
Elizabeth Gomez
Teri Sloat
Shirin Bridges
Bruce Hale
Jenny Holm

From me - And just to kvell a little (kind of means boast but it's more like sing or trill - OK I looked it up - "beam with pride and pleasure") New York Times best selling author Deborah Underwood is a former student from one of my kids' book courses, Elisa Kleven and Elizabeth Gomez are both good friends featured in my Hero's Art Journey e-course (next one starts March 6th) and I know and love Teri Sloat. They are all fabulous speakers and gifted creators. Makes me feel mighty lucky!!!!

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