Normally, I feature a picture book or board book video review that includes teaching tips for aspiring authors or illustrators, parents, and teachers. But this week I came upon the finiteness of my computer and even tho I shot 3 enticing videos, I didn't have room to upload, edit, and transfer them (groan). I've been so busy generating juicy content for the Picture Book Academy course starting August 27th that I didn't notice how many gigabites I'd used (unfortunately video eats up hard drive storage and saving movies onto an external hard drive is more complicated than you'd think).
So just for this week (I'll have it figured out by next week) I'm sharing an article I wrote for a top art education journal about four picture books that have some deep content, exploring how they intersect within the contexts of time and culture and the visual culture of money. Hopefully you're intrigued.
Because I was a university professor at the time, some of the language is a bit intellectual and if you come across any dense bits, just skip them to get at the good stuff about how picture books often carry important messages.
I'm also redesigning my old website and working on the Picture Book Academy site, so to give you a teaser, here's some compilation images I put together of some of the many books my former students have published. When I have time, I'll create more of these fun collages.
Award winners Kathryn Otoshi • Yuyi Morales
Award winners Deborah Underwood • Youme Lansdowne • Debra Sartell • Felicia Hoshino
Award winner Lea Lyon • Brian Gage • Hugh D'Andrade • Brooke Scudder • Mati Rose McDonough • Karen Stanton

And just a little FYI - Picture Book Writing and Publishing is a fun and empowering online course that comes with a money back guarantee and walks you through the steps of writing and submitting a children's picture books using a workshop format and lots of individual attention. It features fresh content 5 days a week from August 27th through October 7th including templates, pdfs, step by step directions, alternative approaches, critiques, written and video interviews with award winning authors, editors, and agents and much more. It is unlike anything ever offered before. At the end of the course, you will have a completed manuscript and cover letter targeted to a specific appropriate editor or agent. Questions? Feel free to email me at or visit
And here's the link to download the article.
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