Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Playing with fears and inner monsters

I goofed in my last posting, writing that we would be making totem and protective animals this Saturday, but it's actually Playing with fears and inner monsters. We'll be making playful monsters that contain our fears, owning them so they don't own us. As I'm playing with some of these fears, I see how many of them are the inverse of my hopes or the fear that if my hopes are realized I wont be able to handle it. Also coming up is the "not enough" fears. That I wont have enough money when I'm old, that my art isn't good enough and on and on. It's amazing how much power we give these crazy monsters that are simply that. Am loving cleaning this negative energy out and cutting my fears down to size. I'm taking lots of photos for when I teach this course online but if anyone is in the Sacramento area and would like to join us, please contact me at miraguy AT (time and place info on the top right of this page). We'll be using collage, cut paper, and mixed media. Making them will be pretty wild (pun intended) and lots of fun.

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