Monday, July 16, 2012

Mondays with Mira - Teaching Picture Books - "Except if" by Jim Averbeck.


In today's Teaching Picture Books Video Review we're going to explore Jim Averbeck's delightful children's picture book "Except if" and talk about what makes it so delightful,  briefly sharing how Jim went about structuring this book and his illustrating techniques. I hope you enjoy and forward to friends.

I'm also delighted to say that Jim is one of the featured contributors in the Art and Business of Writing Children's Picture Books e-course at starting August 27th. Here he shares his writing process, which was super fascinating to me as it is very different than my normal process and one that I'll be experimenting with myself in the future. There are only 15 spaces left in this super innovative and empowering course so if you feel now might be the time for you to hone or explore your picture book writing skills click here (it's only 249 for early birds with the price going up to 350 in August). Let me know what you think about Jim's book and this video. I love getting comments and please share : )


Marcie Colleen said...

Thanks for sharing, Mira! What a sweet book. :)I tend to try and bring my stories around to the beginning again. It feels so satisfying to me.

Jeanette W. Stickel said...

Wonderful! I loved the book and enjoyed your analysis.

Pam said...

I have a literacy and music program for early learners. Thank you for your work. This blog is going to help me to add another layer of understanding when I present stories to the children in my sessions. I have the perfect music for this book. I can't wait to share it! Thank you for the insight. See you next Monday.

Mira Reisberg AKA The Picture Book Whisperer said...

Thank you Marcie. Am glad you liked the video and so excited you'll be joining us in the Academy! Wahoo!!!

Jeanette - than you too! Love folks who interact - it's much appreciated xox

Pam - I'm currently redesigning my personal website where I'll have even more goodies for teachers. It sounds like your kids are really lucky to have you : )