Had the delightful privilege of going to San Francisco with one of my mega talented continuing students to a Bay Area Bookies meeting of amazing children's book authors and illustrators. Here's a group photo that Ashley Wolff of Miss Bindergarten and a squillion other beautiful books took. It was so wonderful being among my kin and sharing ideas, projects, art, and love. I was in piglet heaven.
From the littlest heads in the back left to right Katherine Tillotson
(It's Picture Day Today
, When the Library Lights Go Out, Penguin and Little Blue
, Songs of Papa's Island
), Marissa Moss (Amelia's Itchy-Twitchy, Lovey-Dovey Summer at Camp Mosquito
, Amelia's Notebook
, Hannah's Journal: The Story of an Immigrant Girl
, Amelia's Guide to Gossip: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,
The Pharaoh's Secret
, Hannah's Journal: The Story of an Immigrant Girl
and many more) Sharon Levin kid's book reviewer, Elissa Guest
(lots of books - click link), Sarah Kline does great books with her sister, Jane Wattenberg
, (it got to be too much work linking to all the books so am just linking to their book pages, sorry), next row left to right Susan Myers
, Elisa Kleven
, me
looking VERY happy, Wendy Lichtman
, Julie Downing
, Lissa Rovetch
. Bottom row left to right Bev Gherman
, Jim Averbeck
, Kristen Schwartz (up and coming author/illustrator), Maria Van Lieshout
(and baby), Ashley Wolff
(who hosted the party in her fabulous Bernal Heights home - when I have time will show pics), and Bob Barner
. Just checked Ashley's link and they include Ashley Olson groan but they also include many of her books. You can also always just copy and paste their names into a browser, remove any spaces, and put .com at the end to see their websites (a couple of which I designed long ago and now need updating.
OK I can't resist. Here are a few. The last ones show the "show and tell" we all did of recent and forthcoming projects. Having all given many school presentations, even the introverts did great. It really was a blissful day and quintessentially San Franciscan.
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