Friday, March 23, 2012

Exciting Announcements - Free movies and more

Don't know about you but life seems to be going a wee bit too fast. Reminder - must return to my temporary spiritual leader - the sloth.

Some super exciting news. I'm starting a series of movie picture book reviews called "Mondays with Mira" created with the structure of, "first seduction then deconstruction!" First, I encourage you to sit back and enjoy while I read the book out and show the pictures, then I go back and point out what makes this book work, or on the rare occasion when it doesn't - why! What a fun way to get to use my super expensive education! Mostly I want it to be a positive experience where folks learn from my years in the field about what makes picture books work. And for our very 1st book, I'll be sharing my extraordinary friend Maya Gonzalez's very own My Colors, My World. Yay! So grab a cup of tea or coffee, settle down on Monday and tune in : )

And if you have a traditionally published picture book that you would like me to review - please contact me at miraguy AT : ) This is going to be an exciting part of my blog from now on!

Here's an unfinished portrait that I did of Maya ages ago.

Speaking of Maya - she has some fantastic events coming up including a mini-conference on self-publishing and the political act of self-sourcing children's picture books as well as some fabulous classes including this one on Ink and Brush as Teacher that I'll be attending

And then there's my own Hero's Art Journey e-course which we are in the midst of right now and it's going beautifully. Every day I read my students words and go "Oh wow!" I'm so moved by what they write and express in both their comments and their art. Sometimes it's hilarious and that's wonderful too.

I've started working with the fabulous Beth Barany who is teaching me more about social media and not underpricing myself along with the Hello Soul Hello Business course that I'm taking so am on quite the learning curve in many ways (along with most of you reading this : ). She is encouraging me to let people know more about the benefits of the course and the special that I'm running for the next one starting July 9th. Here's the link  I've been madly making new buttons and ornaments including my new newsletter one at the top and this sweet flower which got a bit big here. Let me know what you think.

But then when I started this one, I realized it was time to stop.

I was definitely getting way too trippy! But then I remembered one last piece of news that I wanted to share with you and that is that the amazing Marissa Moss is starting a new West Coast children's book publishing house that will be fantastic. She's brilliant. I've signed on to help. Hope you will too.  Great rewards too.

Just looked at my lovely little newsletter signup button at the top and it doesn't look nearlyas good as it does on the Hero's Art Journey. Back to the drawing board. But not tonight : )

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