Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monday's with Mira - Pleasurable Picture Book Reviews

Am finally launching Mondays with Mira, my series of pleasurable video reviews where we practice First Seduction then Deconstruction. This week we'll be looking at Maya Gonzalez's My Colors, My World, where you'll learn about some of the the ways that authors and illustrators sometimes subtly embed deeper meaning into what may seem at first just like sweet simple stories (and art). You'll also learn about "second stories," and how Maya makes her language luscious among other things. I hope you enjoy and will be a little tolerant for this first video in my series. I'm hoping it will be super helpful for children's picture book authors and illustrators, teachers, and parents, and even kids who need to do book reports. And do come back next week for when we look at one of my all time favorite picture books Voices in the Park for more Seduction then Deconstruction. Yours in Picture Book Love ~ Mira

Just uploaded this and it looks pretty bad so click below for the better quality YouTube video which Blogger couldn't find so that I could link to it. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Hopefully will have it figured out by next week.

Finally, if you're in the Northern California area May 19th 2012 and would like to attend a fantastic picture book conference... I'm one of our Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators North California Central Illustrator Coordinators along with Kris Aro McLeod and we've put together with our regional advisors an incredible day for BOTH authors and illustrators.

We have Rotem Moscovitch from Disney Hyperion, a normally closed house, and we got her because we were repeatedly told how brilliant she is (and fun too) and it's quite a scoop. And Ashley Wolff who has published a ridiculous number of picture books as both an author and illustrator including the best selling Miss Bindergarten series, and Mary Kole NY literary agent for the Andrea Brown Literary Agency who is also super smart and looking for good work.

It''s fantastic value in an intimate setting. I really hope you can make it. Just click on over here
Or as my Auntie Gertie used to say - "What are you waiting for?" : )

Thank you for hanging in with me and I hope you'll come back as I get better at this.


Elizabeth Stevens Omlor said...

I LOVED this. You are a genius. Thanks so much for sharing. What a beautifully written book. The illustrations are amazing. I can't believe we get this exposure for free! Can't wait for next week. :)

Darshana said...

love this new series you are doing. thank you. and yes i am going to be at the May 19th event. I am only a pb writer but am going to learn more about the illustration process. i look forward to meeting you.

Unknown said...

This series idea is going to fun! Looking forward to Mondays with you Mira.