Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mondays with Mira - Picture Book Love

I'm very excited to be launching my Monday's with Mira series today.

Each week I will read and show the pictures from a wonderful picture book using my "First seduction - then deconstruction" technique - meaning we go along for a wonderful ride and then return to see what makes it so wonderful or maybe if there's something that could use improving. I am hoping this series will be really helpful for aspiring children's book authors and illustrators, parents, and teachers.

If your book has been published by an established publisher (ie not self-published or vanity press) and you would like me to consider it for Monday's with Mira, please jot me a line at

Meanwhile, kick back, relax, and let's have a look at My Colors, My World by my wonderful friend Maya Gonzalez!

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