Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Pleasures of Picture Books: "Voices in the Park" Review

I can't believe it's been a whole week since my last picture book review where we practice first seduction, then deconstruction to both enjoy and learn from fantastic children's picture books.

This week, we have one of my all time favorite picture books, which I think is quite brilliant because of the ways that the author/illustrator, Anthony Browne, is able to subtly weave meaty themes into a seemingly simple story with an unusual narrative structure. 

Anthony Browne has published over 40 books and much has been written about him, so I'll include some links here for those who are interested to follow up on.
This one below is particularly useful for teachers and aspiring picture book writers - be sure to press the  more buttons.

Meanwhile, it's time to settle down, get comfy, grab a cuppa and engage with.... Mondays with Mira for First Seduction and then Deconstruction in the Pleasures of Picture Books or Pleasurable Picture Book Reviews (still not entirely sure what to call this section yet... Any suggestions?).

So my video is still getting cropped in weird ways, which I have to remember to try and allow for in future editing. If you'd like to see the YouTube version without the weird cropping click here

Thank you for hanging in with me as I learn all this gnarly new tech. I hope you enjoyed this and found it super helpful. And do please share (and comment if you are up for it  : )

1 comment:

Elizabeth Stevens Omlor said...

Loved this. Thank you SO much for sharing. What about...Seduction and Deconstruction:Pleasurable Picture Book Reviews