Monday, April 16, 2012

Mondays with Mira - A Pleasurable Picture Book Review of "Just a Minute" by Yuyi Morales

This week, I'm featuring one of my favorite author/illustrators - Yuyi Morales's Just a Minute. This is both a concept and plot driven book that deals with death and Mexican traditions in the funnest way. I hope you enjoy and if you have any specific books you'd like me to review, or you have a traditionally published book that you'd like me to review do contact me at or comment below : ) And don't miss Yuyi's website at

Other BIG NEWS - I'm offering an amazing half off my Hero's Art Journey e-course where Yuyi is one of the many contributors and people do amazing and unexpected things such as learning to draw, paint and collage, or deepen their existing skills, create picture book portfolio pieces and learn about the archetypal story underlying so much literature and film. Learn about multiculturalism, world mythology, children's picture books, contemporary and historical art and build a wonderful community as each person explores their own personal hero's journey. If you are here on my blog, you might be getting called to take this adventure. The special ends May 3rd and please tell your friends about it!

And now it's - showtime!!!  : )

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